Archive for June, 2009

27 June 2009 Star Trek and Citizen Kane

June 29, 2009

Here are the quotes and scores from the night.

Star Trek Quotes:

Clint: I have a pet hate about the portrayal of engineers

On breaking the space-time continuum:

Clint: It broke all the rules for me.

On the romance between Spock and Uhura:

Sylvia: Did you like that?

Clint: No, that crossed the line too.

On trying to remember the hits and the duds from the Star Trek movie series:

Wendy: …the one with the whales.

Andy: [yelling from the toilet]… the one with the whales!

Beck: There’s an echo in this flat!

Citizen Kane

Paul: I thought Orson Welles was great.

Beck: Awesome Welles!

On the scary opening of Citizen Kane:

Beck: O, and then I thought it was going to be like … Michael Jackson [starts singing Thriller]


Star Trek

Andy                5

Barbara            3.5

Beck                4

Clint                 3.5

Paul                  4

Sylvia               5

Wendy             3.5

Citizen Kane

Andy                4

Barbara            4

Beck                2.5

Clint                 4

Paul                  3.5

Sylvia               4.5

Wendy             4.5



Beck                0

Sylvia               -1 (yes, a negative score!)