Archive for December, 2017

August 2017: Wilderpeople and Ten Canoes

December 26, 2017


Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Chosen by Jodi because she had not seen many kiwi films, this movie, based on a book by Barry Krump in Wes Anderson style, was full of dry NZ humour, beautiful scenery and notable acting by the young talent Julian Dennison (‘Ricky’) and Sam Neill as the grouchy foster dad. A feel good movie, enjoyed by all.



Jodi: I enjoyed it. There were parts I didn’t love but I can’t remember them.

Jodi: The trailer had all the funny bits. I don’t have a lot to say about it.


Ray: I thought it was Sam Niell’s best role that I’d seen him in. He played a deadpan character.

Jodi: It wasn’t as funny as I thought it would be, but I still enjoyed it. I’d watch it again but it was not my favourite movie.


Andy to Hanna: Is that what NZ is like?


Ray: We knew it wasn’t real because it wasn’t raining enough


CJ: It was funny. Not particularly unique. What makes it funny was its quirky characters.


Renny: It had lots of heart warming moments. The birthday song. It was so beautiful.

Renny: We needed something light that day. It was perfect.



Andy                   3

CJ                         4

Jodi                      3.5

Paul                     3

Ray                      3.5

Renny                 3

Sylvia                   5

Wendy                3.5

Hanna                 4.5



Ten Canoes

This film was chosen by Ray who has had a long interest in anthropology. It provides a glimpse into Aboriginal hunter gatherer way of life, their language and customs. Directed by Rolf de Heer in conjunction with the indigenous people of Arnhem land, it tells two related stories in time, in black & white and colour, told with good humour and plenty of fart jokes. A group of hunters set off in ten canoes to hunt for eggs, in a swamp amongst the crocodiles. The film provides an interesting perspective on humanity and shows how universal the human condition is. The tribe is full of characters – the witch doctor, the honey man “go get me honey” and the multiple wives who provide the object of lust, jealousy and greed.



Ray: It was a different sort of movie. I was struck by the humour. And the good naturedness of the people.

Andy: I don’t think anyone could hate it. It’s unique.

Renny: I thought it was interesting that they were protective of their shit.

CJ: Are there any other comparable Aboriginal movies? I wasn’t about a social issue. It was just about their life.



Andy     3

CJ           3.5

Jodi       abstain

Paul       abstain

Ray        4.5

Renny   4

Sylvia    4.5

Wendy 4

Hanna  3